Stargazer's Bed & Breakfast, Observatory and Astronomy tours Whitianga NZ
Kuaotunu near Whitianga, Coromandel Peninsula, NZ


Kuaotunu - once a thriving NZ gold mining town, has clean, safe, white sandy beaches, is also handy to many other beautiful spots and is an ideal starting point for exploring other parts of New Zealand's Coromandel Peninsula. There's bush walking, fishing, horse trekking, water sports, golf, tennis or just simply relaxing in one the world's truly spectacular places.

A little over 100 years ago, gold was discovered at Kuaotunu and more than 1000 people lived and worked there. Kuaotunu is just 17km north of Whitianga.

Otama & Opito are appoached by the Black Jack Road. Beautiful white sandy beaches offer good swimming & surfcasting.

Stargazer's Bed & Breakfast, Observatory and Astronomy tours Whitianga NZ

  • Kuaotunu
  • Kuaotunu
  • Kuaotunu
  • Kuaotunu
  • Otama
  • Otama
  • Otama
  • Opito
  • Opito
  • Opito
  • Dotterel
  • Pohutukawa in Flower

Map & Driving Directions
GPS - Coordinates: S 36°44.353’ / E 175°43.557

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Coming North From Whitianga:

Drive along Buffalo Beach Road (SH 25) north out of Whitianga, past Wharekaho (Simpsons) Beach and over the hills towards Kuaotunu. After about 10km you start a long descent towards Kuaotunu; look for our large sign on the left 300m before you reach our turnoff on the left by the mailboxes at School of Mines Lane.  This is at the junction with School of Mines Lane and State Highway 25. We are then first entrance on the left after crossing the small bridge. Our turnoff and mailbox are about 2km south of Kuaotunu Beach and settlement.

Coming East and South From Coromandel Town:

From Thames, drive north towards Coromandel town on SH 25 along the coast. Turn right 200m south of Coromandel town towards Whangapoua and Whitianga on SH25. After about 45 minutes the first beach you reach will be Kuaotunu Beach. Continue following along the beach and take the main highway south and inland from Kuaotunu Village / Back Jack Road turnoff for about 2km. We are on the right…look for our sign by the mailboxes at School of Mines Lane at the junction with School of Mines Lane and State Highway 25. We are then the first entrance on the left after crossing the small bridge.

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